For interview and media inquiries, please email
Free Rein with Sharon White (November 2023)
Pan American Games: Sharon White on EQUUS TV (October 2023)
Pan American Games: Sharon White Interview on EQUUS TV (October 2023)
Sharon White: Become a Self-Confident Leader for Your Horse (October 2023)
EN’s Got Talent: Sharon White and Jaguar Duende (September 2023)
Winner of the Week: Believing in Her Instincts Brings Sharon White a Pair of Wins at Millbrook (August 2023)
Sharon White and Claus 63 Take Advanced Win at Millbrook (July 2023)
Sharon White’s Top Tips for Mindful Riding (2023)
Equestrian Podcast: How Eventing Riders Keep a Positive Attitude when Training for Success (May 2022)
1% More: Bringing Mindfulness to Your Ride with Sharon White (April 2022)

PC: Jenni Autry
Countdown to Kentucky: Sharon White and Cooley On Show (April 2021)
At Home On the Last Frontier: Sharon White’s System Pays Off (August 2020)
USEA Featured Clinician: Sharon White (June 2020)
Sharon White Puts on a Show for the Finale at Red Hills (March 2020)
The Importance of Balance and Strength with Sharon White (June 2019)
USEA Event College at LRK3DE 2019: How to Ride the First and Last Fence with Sharon White (April 2019)
By the Numbers: Carolina International CCI4*-S (March 2019)
Teams Set for $20,000 Ocala Horse Properties Eventing Prix Invitational (February 2019)
U.S. Equestrian Announces 2018 Fall Grants for Boekelo and Pau (July 2018)
U.S. Equestrian Releases 2018 Fall Eventing Training Lists (July 2018)
U.S. Team Named for 2018 World Equestrian Games (June 2018)
Who Will Make the U.S. Team for the 2018 World Equestrian Games? (June 2018)
Show Jumping Powerhouses of Kentucky (April 2018)
Cross Country Powerhouses of Kentucky 2018 (April 2018)
Sharon White and Cooley On Show Finish Third at The Fork CIC3* and WEG Test Event (April 2018)
By the Numbers: The Fork at Tryon CIC3* and WEG Test Event (April 2018)
Entry List Confirmed for $15,000 Ocala Horse Properties Eventing Prix (February 2018)
US Equestrian Announces 2018 Eventing Winter Training List (November 2017)
Star Studded Entry List Announced for $50,000 Arena Eventing (September 2017)
Eventers Join Forces to Aid Hurricane Harvey Relief (September 2017)
US Equestrian Names Eventing High Performance Summer Training Lists for 2017 (July 2017)
Sharon and Cooley On Show Finish 13th at Luhmuhlen CCI4* (June 2017)
Five-Strong American Contingent All Clear Through Luhmuhlen First Horse Inspection (June 2017)
Entry List Confirmed for $50,000 Devon Arena Eventing (May 2017)
Introducing Trakehners to Your Young Event Horse with Sharon White (May 2017)
Eventing Connect, Sharon and Cooley On Show Finish 2nd in CIC2* at Jersey Fresh (May 2017)
The Event College at Rolex: Drop Into the Head of the Lake with Sharon White (April 2017)
USEA, Introducing Liverpools to Your Young Event Horse with Sharon White (April 2017)
$15,000 Eventing Prix Invitational Entry List (March 2017)
Sharon and Cooley On Show Finish in 4th Place in Plantation Field CIC3* (September 2016)
By the Numbers: Plantation Field CIC3* (September 2016)
By the Numbers: Adequan USEA Gold Cup Final (September 2016)
Fun Was Had by All at Sharon White’s Eighth Annual JUMP! Fundraiser (July 2016)
Sharon White Accepted for Great Meadows CICO3* Nations Cup (June 2016)
By the Numbers: Jaguar Land Rover Bromont CCI3* (June 2016)
Ride Between the Flags with Sharon White: Ocala Horse Properties Winter II-10 ABC (March 2016)
Tips and Tricks of the Trade: Winter Grooming (February 2016)
Grid Pro Quo with Sharon White (December 2015)
World Equestrian Brands Partners with New Sponsored Rider-Eventer Sharon White (November 2015)
Young Event Horse Series Highlight: Alyssa Peterson (October 2015)
LFF Homebreds In 2nd and 4th After Cross-Country at Waredaca Training Three-Day Event (October 2015)
Down But Not Out: Meet the Therapist Helping Sharon White Stay in the Saddle (August 2015)
Sharon Finishes 2nd with Cooley On Show and 3rd with Clifford M in Bromont Canada CCI2* (June 2015)
Sharon Into 2nd and 3rd After Cross-Country in CCI2* at Bromont (June 2015)
Sharon White and Cooley On Show Off To An Exciting Start in Bromont CCI2* (June 2015)
Sharon White Splitting The Lead At Bromont CCI2* Lunch Break (June 2015)
Sharon Finishes Two In The Top Ten at Jersey Fresh CIC2* (May 2015)
Sharon White and Wundermaske, Dressage at Rolex Kentucky CCI4* 2015 (April 2015)
Sharon White and Wundermaske in 14th after Dressage Day One at Rolex Kentucky 2015 (April 2015)
What’s In A Groom’s Backpack? Rolex Edition (April 2015)
Sharon and Patch Move Into 2nd Place after Cross-Country in Carolina International Advanced (March 2015)

Sharon Takes Home 4th and 15th in the CIC1* at Red Hills International
Sharon to Compete at the Ocala Horse Properties $15,000 Eventing Prix Invitational (February 2015)
LFF Homebred Ready or Not at USEA Young Event Horse Symposium (February 2015)
11 Questions with C4 Rider Sharon White (February 2015)
Sharon and Patch in 13th after Dressage at Pau CCI4* (October 2014)
Sharon White Fulfills the Dream of the Rebecca Broussard International Developing Rider Grant (October 2014)
Who Owns the High Performance Horse (October 2014)
Rachael Livermore: What It’s Like to Work for Team Orange (September 2014)
Sharon and Patch Finish 6th in CIC3* at Plantation Field (September 2014)
Sharon and Patch Place 2nd in Advanced at Five Points (September 2014)
Sharon Sweeps 2nd and 5th at Richland Park CIC3* (August 2014)
Sharon and Wundermaske Lead after Dressage at Millbrook (July 2014)
Sharon Receives Land Rover Travel Grant (July 2014)
Hunter/Jumper Intern Goes Cross-Country at JUMP! (July 2014)
JUMP! Fundraiser a Huge Success (July 2014)
Sharon White Named to The USEF High Performance Summer/Fall Training List (June 2014)
Schooling Tips with Tredstep Ireland Rider Sharon White (April 2014)
Sharon White Enjoys the Ride (March 2014)
Winter and Horses (December 2013)

Sharon and Under Suspection pictured in the newspaper after their performance in the Fair Hill CCI2*!
Sharon White Takes the Lead at Fair Hill (October 2013)
Sharon and Under Suspection Deliver in the Fair Hill CCI2* (October 2013)
Sharon and Under Suspection Answer Back at Fair Hill (October 2013)
Sharon Participates in George Morris Clinic (August 2013)
Sharon Receives USEF European Travel Grant (July 2013)
Wundermaske and Sharon Added to the USEF High Performance List (July 2013)
Sharon Takes Early Lead at Bromont (June 2013)
Sharon Wins Bromont CCI2* (June 2013)
Sharon Breaks Down Her Win (June 2013)
Sharon White Takes the Lead at Bromont (June 2013)
Sharon White: Equifit (Oct 2012)
Sharon White and Rafferty’s Rules Prepare for Burghley (Aug 2012)
Sharon White’s Annual Jump (June 2012)
Tredstep Ireland Delivers a Rider’s Eye View of Badmiton and Rolex (Apr 2012)
George Morris Rides Sharon White’s Horse (Feb 2012)
Early Christmas Present for Sharon White (Dec 2011)
Sharon White: “You Can’t Beat Something That Makes Your Heart Pound” (June 2009)
The Inside Line: Derby Cross, Dinner and Auction at Sharon White’s Farm (Sept 2009)
Sharon White Wins First 3* at Bromont (Aug 2008)
Interview with Bromont Canada CCI2* Leaders after Cross-Country (June 2015)
Interview with Sharon White, Rolex Kentucky CCI4* (April 2015)
Interview with Sharon White, Jersey Fresh CCI3* (May 2014)
Interview with Sharon White, Rolex 2014
Sharon White Interview after Stadium, Rolex 2014
Sharon White Interview after Cross-Country, Rolex 2014
Sharon White Interview after Dressage, Rolex 2014
Sharon and Wundermaske Participate in the USEF High Performance Training Sessions (February 2014)
Sharon and Reggie in Wellington (February 2012)
Sharon White Interview with EcoGold (June 2011)
Sharon White Interview (April 2011)
Interview with Sharon, Kim, Ashley and Geoff (June 2010)